
Volunteer Spotlight – Maggie Guilkey

Maggie Guilkey, a volunteer at Crossroads Clinic has been volunteering at the Clinic since 2012.

Maggie came to Lake St. Louis from Anderson, Indiana.  In Anderson, she worked for General Motors.  Sadly, Maggie’s husband died while they were living in Indiana.    Also while in Indiana, Maggie took on another commitment and adopted her young niece, Heidi. She kept herself very busy and took on another commitment and got her LPN license.

After the GM plants closed in Indiana, Maggie and her niece moved to Missouri as Maggie took a job  at the GM plant in Wentzville.  She retired from the Wentzville plant. Needing medical treatment for Heidi  she turned to  to Dr. Maimuna Baign, a physician whose office was in Lake St. Louis.   It was at one of the visits  that Dr. Baig told her about Crossroads Clinic and how they were in need of volunteers.

Maggie remarked “I have always wanted to do that”.  Maggie went to the Clinic and met Cheryl Moellenhoff, who gave Maggie a big smile when she found out she was a volunteer.  Cheryl was so happy to have her at the Clinic.   Prior to moving to the Clinic’s present location, Dr. Baig established the Clinic in her medical office.  The present location has allowed the Clinic to expand its services.

Maggie’s volunteer duties includes finding medical personnel who are willing to volunteer their time and cost of their services.  This includes:  dentists, surgeons, specialists, etc.  She works with the local Lion’s club to obtain eye glasses for the Clinic’s patients.  Maggie’s goal is to get services and needs of the patients donated.

Maggie also volunteers and supports the fundraisers that are held each year for the Clinic.  She enjoys the monthly lunches for the volunteers which are now being postponed because of the Pandemic.

Maggie says she “is part of a wonderful group of volunteers”.  She feels blessed to be part of this group and considers them friends.   The feeling is mutual on the part of all the other Clinic volunteers.



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Volunteer Spotlight – Daniel Benwell

Dan Benwell is a retired 7th Grade Science teacher.  He grew up in north St. Louis, attended Wheaton College, received his bachelor’s degree from N.I.U. in  Illinois and completed a Master’s Program at UMSL.  After retiring, he became a school bus driver and entered a Medical Records program at St. Charles Community College, which he completed in July 2010.

Dan has been married to his wife, Janet for 47 years and they have a daughter, Katie and son, Andrew.  Dan and Janet have two grandson, Samuel and Daniel.

Dan met Bill Cullen, an initial force for the Clinic around July 2010; as they both attended Wentzville United Methodist Church.  Dan heard from Bill that a Volunteer in Medicine Clinic was planning to be opened.   His interest and availability sent him on a quest to become a Volunteer at the Clinic.  After meeting Bill, Dan remembers Dr. Baig and Cheryl Moellenhoff as being some of the first he associated with at the Clinic.  Soon afterward, he met other volunteers, such as Al Moellenhoff, Sharon and Ted Pivin, Dennis and Fran Burthard and Dr. Kardish.  Since then, Dan says the list of names of volunteers has grown, adding up to 60,000 + recorded hours of volunteer service since the clinic opened in 2010.

Dan has felt from the beginning that there is an atmosphere of CARING at the Clinic: caring for the physical, mental and social wellbeing of those who come to the Clinic for assistance.  Caring helpful hands and minds willing to reach out towards fellow community members.

In closing, Dan comments that when our community, state and country move past this pandemic and persons are interested in helping, he encourages them to call the Clinic and find out more about the effort of the Clinic’s motto “Neighbors Caring for Neighbors”.

Dan is a very caring person and a member of the honorable group of volunteers.